
Showing posts from April 14, 2019

Space bar

The space bar is on the bottom center of the keyboard The space bar , spacebar , blank , or space key [1] is a key on a typewriter or alphanumeric keyboard in the form of a horizontal bar in the lowermost row, significantly wider than other keys. Its main purpose is to conveniently enter a space, e.g., between words during typing. A typical space bar key is very large, enough so that a thumb from either hand can use it, and is almost always found on the bottom row of standard keyboard layouts. History Originally (on early writers dating back to the late 19th century) the "bar" was literally a metal bar running across the full width of the keyboard (or even wider, and even surrounding it) that triggered the carriage advance without also firing any of the typebars towards the platen. Later examples gradually shrank and developed into their current more ergonomic form as a wide, centrally located but otherwise apparently normal "key", as typewriter (and ...


坐标: 23°22′41″N 120°10′01″E  /  23.3781771°N 120.1669872°E  / 23.3781771; 120.1669872 .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 布袋鎮 Budai Township 中華民國行政區劃 行政區管轄 嘉義縣 行政區類別 鎮 舊稱 魍港 [1] 、Wanckan [2] 、虎尾、好美;冬港、布袋嘴 總面積 61.7307平方公里 戶數 9,922戶 人口 26,666人(2019年2月) (嘉義縣的第9位 ) 鎮長 陳鳳梅 鎮公所位址 興中里自由路2號 區劃 23里375鄰 鎮公所網站 布袋鎮公所 郵遞區號 625 毗鄰區域 東石鄉、朴子市、義竹鄉; 臺南市北門區 布袋鎮位置圖 // 布袋鎮 是一個位於臺灣西南沿海的鎮,隸屬於嘉義縣,涵蓋土地面積約62平方公里,為一典型漁村聚落,近年來因高跟鞋教堂及好美里彩繪村等觀光資源帶動本地區產業轉型,嘉義縣政府亦有意推動布袋商港轉型成遊艇港。布袋商港亦提供台灣本島前往澎湖縣的定期船班(冬季停航),本鎮之高跟鞋教堂為知名觀光景點。 目录 1 地理 1.1 位置 1.2 地形 1.3 土壤 1.4 氣候 1.5 水文 2 歷史 2.1 荷蘭與明鄭時期 2.2 清領時期 2.3 日治時期 2.4 民國時期 3 行政 3.1 行政區劃 3.2 行政機關 3.3 布袋鎮公所 3.4 警政治安 4 人口 5 交通 5.1 海運 5.2 公車資訊 5.3 快速公路 5.4 ...

Keyboard shortcut

For Wikipedia keyboard shortcuts, see Wikipedia:Keyboard shortcuts. For a list of keyboard shortcuts, see Table of keyboard shortcuts. Firefox 3.0 menu with shortcuts, highlighted with green and mnemonics highlighted with yellow. Composite of two Macintosh Finder menus with keyboard shortcuts specified in the right column In computing, a keyboard shortcut is a series of one or several keys, such as "Ctrl+F" to search a character string. Such a directive invokes a software or operating system operation (in other words, cause an event) when triggered by the user. The meaning of term "keyboard shortcut" can vary depending on software manufacturer. For instance, Microsoft differentiates keyboard shortcuts from hotkeys ("mnemonics" on Windows) whereby the former consists of a specific key combination used to trigger an action, and the latter represents a designated letter in a menu command or toolbar button that when pressed together with the Al...