
Showing posts from December 10, 2018

Secondary education

High school in Bratislava, Slovakia (Gamča) Secondary education covers two phases on the International Standard Classification of Education scale. Level 2 or lower secondary education (less common junior secondary education ) is considered the second and final phase of basic education, and level 3 (upper) secondary education is the stage before tertiary education. Every country aims to provide basic education, but the systems and terminology remain unique to them. Secondary education typically takes place after six years of primary education and is followed by higher education, vocational education or employment. [1] Like primary education, in most countries secondary education is compulsory, at least until the age of 16. Children typically enter the lower secondary phase around age 11. Compulsory education sometimes extends to age 19. Since 1989, education has been seen as a basic human right for a child; Article 28, of the Convention on the Rights of the Child states ...


Image .mw-parser-output table.infobox caption{text-align:center} 日語寫法 日語原文 被爆者 假名 ひばくしゃ 平文式罗马字 Hibakusha 被原子弹爆炸灼伤的女性。身上衣服颜色较深的部位,灼伤的更为严重。 被爆幸存者 被爆者 是日语詞彙,指第二次世界大戰末,在日本广岛、长崎的原子弹爆炸中受核辐射影响而出现身体健康状况异常的受害者。在日本也特指依照原子弹被爆者援护法的规定持有被爆者健康证的人。 被爆者通常出现白血病、癌症等,此类由原子弹爆炸而引发的病症被称作原爆症。被爆者的下一代被称作 被爆二世 ,但是核辐射能否引发遗传病,还没有科学的证明。 此外,受原子弹爆炸影响的建筑物被称作 被爆建造物 。 目录 1 急性病症 2 被爆者健康证 3 被爆者适用定義範圍 4 参见 5 外部链接 急性病症 由原子弹带来最直接的伤害是爆炸时所产生的巨大能量能直接造成人体灼伤,随后紧接着的就是建筑物等倒塌以及爆炸引发的火灾造成的伤亡。即使有幸逃过灼伤、砸伤等危险的被爆者在此后也大多持续出现四肢无力,高烧,泻痢等症状。此外还有脱髮,身体上出现血斑等症状。出现血斑的病人,一般会在短时间内死亡,所以被称为死亡斑点。这一系列的病症通常在爆炸发生年内出现,被统称为急性病症。 被爆者健康证 事后日本政府为被爆者提供的身份证明。在日本的被爆者将此证与保健医疗卡一同出示,便可在医疗部门接收免费的诊察、医疗、投药、住院等服务。 被爆者适用定義範圍 原子爆炸指定区域内的直接受害人及其胎儿。 原子彈爆炸当时的广岛市、安艺郡祇园町、安艺郡户坂村、孤爪木、安藝郡山中村、中、落久保、北平原、西平原、寄田、安艺郡府中町、茂阴北等地区。 原子彈爆炸当时的长崎市、西彼杵郡福田村、大浦乡、小浦乡、本村乡、小江乡、小江原乡、西彼杵郡长与村、高田乡、吉无田乡等地区。 原子彈爆炸后两个星期之内,因援助活动、医疗活动、亲友探访等原因、进入了广岛,长崎市内的人及其胎儿。 其他,因进行过尸体处理、被爆者救助活动、而身体上有可能受放射线影响的人及其胎儿。 参见 ...

Primary education

School children in primary education, Chile Primary education and elementary education is typically the first stage of formal education, coming after preschool and before secondary education (The first two grades of primary school, Grades 1 and 2, are also part of early childhood education). Primary education usually takes place in a primary school or elementary school. In some countries, primary education is followed by middle school, an educational stage which exists in some countries, and takes place between primary school and high school college. Primary Education in Australia consists of grades foundation to grade 6. In the United States, primary education is Grades 1 - 3 [1] and elementary education usually consists of grades 1-6. Contents 1 Millennium Development Goal 2 Africa 2.1 Libya 2.2 Morocco 2.3 Somalia 2.4 Tunisia 3 Antarctica 4 Asia 4.1 Hong Kong 4.2 Indonesia 4.3 India 4.4 Iran 4.5 Israel 4.6 J...