
Showing posts from November 21, 2018


For the chief also known by this name, see Saturiwa (chief). Saturiwa One of Theodor de Bry's engravings, supposedly based on drawings by Jacques LeMoyne, depicting Chief Saturiwa preparing his men for battle Total population Extinct as tribe Regions with significant populations North Florida around the mouth of the St. Johns River (present-day Jacksonville) Languages Timucuan language, Mocama dialect Religion Native Related ethnic groups Timucua The Saturiwa were a Timucua chiefdom centered on the mouth of the St. Johns River in what is now Jacksonville, Florida. They were the largest and best attested chiefdom of the Timucua subgroup known as the Mocama, who spoke the Mocama dialect of Timucuan and lived in the coastal areas of present-day northern Florida and southeastern Georgia. They were a prominent political force in the early days of European settlement in Florida, forging friendly relations with the French Huguenot settlers at Fort Caroline in 1564...


Mocama Total population Extinct as tribe Regions with significant populations North Florida and southeastern Georgia Languages Mocama dialect of the Timucua language Religion Native Related ethnic groups Timucua The Mocama were a Native American people who lived in the coastal areas of what are now northern Florida and southeastern Georgia. [1] A Timucua group, they spoke the dialect known as Mocama, the best-attested dialect of the Timucua language. Their territory extended from about the Altamaha River in Georgia to south of St. Augustine, Florida, covering the Sea Islands and the inland waterways, including the mouth of the St. Johns River in present-day Jacksonville and the Intracoastal. At the time of contact with Europeans, there were two major chiefdoms among the Mocama, the Saturiwa and the Tacatacuru, each of which evidently had authority over multiple villages. The Spanish came to refer to the entire area as the Mocama Province, and incorporated it int...


貪污 是指身在某特定職位的人員利用职务便利不正當地取得财产的一種行為。 目录 1 历史 2 文化 3 事件 4 参考文献 5 外部連結 历史 貪污是一種世界性的現象,例如古羅馬時期的馬利斯·布利斯庫即因貪污多次被捕,但每次被宣布無罪。一向公認“最清廉政府”的新加坡在2010年爆發公務員貪污案。2008年土管局科技及資訊科技基礎建設部門副司長辜聲偉以不實合約,詐騙新加坡政府1180萬新元。不過,2010年新加坡仍以9.3分的高分與丹麦、新西兰并列第一,被评为年度“世界最清廉国家”。 中國的貪汙問題相較於歐美先進國家更顯得嚴重。有人歸咎於傳統儒家思想教育可能隱含著鼓勵職務上不當收取行為的發生,如“禮尚往來。往而不來,非禮也;來而不往,亦非禮也。” [1] 。明清兩朝官僚体制的复杂结构,使得貪污的程度更是無以復加。明朝宗室伊王朱典“欲拓其洛阳府第”,估款十万两银,为争取阁议通过,先向權臣严嵩献贿二万。 [2] 严嵩倒台,严世藩入獄,据《严世藩狱词》披露:“凡勘报功罪以及修筑城墉,必先科克银两,多则巨万,少亦不下数千。”清朝康熙對貪污恨之入骨,曾說“朕恨貪污之吏,更過於噶爾丹” [3] 。康熙帝甚至强调,“别项人犯,尚可宽恕,贪官之罪,断不可宽。” [4] 但是他也表示要杜絕貪污根本不可能 [5] 。雍正時夔州知府程如丝被蔡珽譽為“四川第一清官”之美名。雍正四年十一月,川陕总督岳钟琪卻奏稱程如丝因贩卖私盐,毙伤多人 [6] 。雍正卻说:“多年来,曾在朕前密参的谤书有一箧之多,可朕从无理它” [7] 。雍正五年(1727年)十月,程如絲才被正法。 中國的贪污卖官、受贿、官商勾结(官倒)、犯重婚罪、淫乱罪、包二奶的官员干部,有的官员还非法私藏枪支,一般不指包括公款吃喝、公款购车在内公款消费的官员。一些人认为大贪官在中国的落马显示了胡锦涛、温家宝反腐的决心,也有一些人认为这只是中共高官帮派之间为利益的明争暗斗,如上海帮。局级、厅级的大贪官由中纪委处理,诸如“打黑英雄”贪污腐败 [8] 、王立军事件、重庆公安局长文强案、纪委书记借双规收取贿赂 [9] 、反贪局长敛钱 [10] 等黑吃黑案件时有发生。 文化 中國古代多以白鳥比喻贪官,杜甫《寄刘峡州伯华使君》诗:“江湖多白鸟,天地有青蝇。”黄...

University of North Florida

University of North Florida Motto No one like you. No place like this. Type Public Established 1972 Endowment $97.4 million [1] President David Szymanski Academic staff 600 [2] Students 16,525 [3] [4] Undergraduates 14,522 [5] [4] Postgraduates 2,003 [6] [4] Location Jacksonville , Florida , U.S. Campus 1,300 acres (5.3 km²) Colors Blue and gray [7]             Athletics NCAA Division I – A-Sun Nickname Ospreys Mascot Ozzie Osprey Website The University of North Florida ( UNF ) is a public university in Jacksonville, Florida, United States. A member institution of the State University System of Florida, the university is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award baccalaureate, masters and doctorate degrees to its students. Its campus comprises 1,300 acres surrounded by a natural preserve on Jacksonville's Southside. The curr...