
Showing posts from November 10, 2018


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Double bass

For the contrabass voice, see Basso profondo; for the frequency range in general, see Sub-bass. For the album by Niels-Henning Ørsted Pedersen and Sam Jones, see Double Bass (album). For other instruments, see Double bass drum, Acoustic bass guitar or Contrabass violin. Double bass Side and front views of a modern double bass with a French-style bow String instrument Other names Bass, upright bass, string bass, acoustic bass, acoustic string bass, contrabass, contrabass viol, bass viol, standup bass, bull fiddle and bass fiddle Classification String instrument (bowed or plucked) Hornbostel–Sachs classification 321.322-71 (Composite chordophone sounded by a bow) Developed 15th–19th century Playing range Related instruments Viol Viola Cello Bass guitar Acoustic bass guitar Electric upright bass Diyingehu Bazantar Musicians List of double bassists The double bass , or simply the bass (and numerous other names), is the largest...