
Showing posts from November 25, 2018

1951 Brooklyn Dodgers season

1951 Brooklyn Dodgers Major League affiliations National League (since 1890) Location Ebbets Field (since 1913) Brooklyn, New York (since 1883) Other information Owner(s) Walter O'Malley (majority owner); James & Dearie Mulvey, Mrs. John L. Smith General manager(s) Buzzie Bavasi Manager(s) Chuck Dressen Local television WOR-TV Local radio WMGM Red Barber, Connie Desmond, Vin Scully < Previous season     Next season > The 1951 Brooklyn Dodgers led the National League for much of the season, holding a 13-game lead as late as August. However, a late season swoon and a hot streak by the New York Giants led to a classic three-game playoff series. Bobby Thomson's dramatic ninth-inning home run off Dodger reliever Ralph Branca in the final game won the pennant for the Giants and was immortalized as the Shot Heard 'Round the World. Contents 1 Offseason 2 Regular season 2.1 Season standings 2.2 Record vs. o...

Biological specificity

In biology, biological specificity is the tendency of a characteristic such as a behavior or a biochemical variation to occur in a particular species. Biochemist Linus Pauling stated that "Biological specificity is the set of characteristics of living organisms or constituents of living organisms of being special or doing something special. Each animal or plant species is special. It differs in some way from all other species... biological specificity is the major problem about understanding life." [1] Contents 1 Subtopics 1.1 Interspecific 1.2 Intraspecific 1.3 Conspecific 1.4 Heterospecific 2 Related concepts 3 See also 4 References 5 External links Subtopics Characteristics may further be described as being interspecific , intraspecific , and conspecific . Interspecific Interspecificity (literally between/among species ), or being interspecific , describes issues between individuals of separate species. These m...


葫蘆笙 分類 管樂器 相關樂器 芦笙、笙 葫芦笙,是彝、拉祜、佤、僳僳、哈尼、黎、纳西、怒、普米、苗等族单簧气鸣乐器。彝语 称布若、昂。拉祜语称若、若果筚。佤语称拜、拜桂、恩拜因 、唔变。僳僳语称玛纽、阿普筚。哈尼语称拉结、报扎。纳西语称妞篾、贝批又。流行于云 南省楚雄彝族自治州、思茅地区、西双版纳傣族自治州、 保山地区、临沧地区、德宏傣族景颇族自治州、怒江僳僳族自治州、丽江地区,四川省凉山 彝族自治州,贵州省毕节地区、安顺地区、黔西南布依族苗族自治州和广西壮族自治区百色地区等地。 葫蘆笙與笙 葫蘆笙為笙演變的最原始的型態之一,即使用葫蘆製作笙斗的笙,簧片構造合現今的笙不大一樣,音色有別於一般的笙 苗數四到十二不等,按孔發音,笙苗底部穿出葫蘆製的笙斗外,開有底孔,按住底孔可發出上滑音大約兩度到三度 合奏少用,常見於雲南少數民族 查 论 编 中国民族乐器 八音 金 鐘 編鐘 特鐘 方響 鑼 雲鑼 铜鼓 鐃 钹 铃 铎 钲 鐃鈸 石 磬 編磬 特磬 雲板 絲 拨弦 古琴 瑟 古筝 箜篌 琵琶 三弦 阮 柳琴 月琴 秦琴 玄琴 獨弦琴 六弦琴 口弦 弓琴 热瓦甫 壮族天琴 拉弦 二胡 三胡 四胡 高胡 中胡 低胡 革胡 低音革胡 板胡 京胡 京二胡 馬骨胡 椰胡 墜胡 墜琴 大筒 大筒弦 葫芦胡 土胡 角胡 擂琴 马头琴 殼子弦 牛腿琴 大廣弦 二弦子 葫芦琴 拉阮 奚琴 軋箏 清胡 越胡 弓琴 潮胡 廣東二弦 秦腔二弦 六角弦 喇叭弦 頭弦 胡尔 擊弦 揚琴 筑 竹 笛子 箫 排簫 籥 篪 尺八 筚篥 管子 唢呐 巴乌 芒筒 唎咧 口笛 新笛 侗笛 口弦 匏 笙 竽 芦笙 葫芦丝 葫芦笙 土 埙 缶 陶笛 革 鼓 堂鼓 花盆鼓 小堂鼓 板鼓 象脚鼓 排鼓 八角鼓 羯鼓 鼗 搏拊 手鼓 ...

Interspecific competition

Subadult male lion and spotted hyena in the Masai Mara. The two species share the same ecological niche, and are thus in competition with each other. Interspecific competition , in ecology, is a form of competition in which individuals of different species compete for the same resources in an ecosystem (e.g. food or living space). This can be contrasted with interspecific cooperation, a type of symbiosis. Competition between members of the same species is called intraspecific competition. If a tree species in a dense forest grows taller than surrounding tree species, it is able to absorb more of the incoming sunlight. However, less sunlight is then available for the trees that are shaded by the taller tree, thus interspecific competition. Leopards and lions can also be in interspecific competition, since both species feed on the same prey, and can be negatively impacted by the presence of the other because they will have less food. Competition is only one of many interactin...